Friday, February 5, 2010

Toilet training

Now, some parents I know are beginning to talk about toilet training their children. Niko and I decided to go the "untraditional" route as always, and he's really getting the hang of it. Just check it out yourself below.

Step 1: lift the seat and commence scrubbing.

Step 2: Sometimes it stinks but you have to really get in there.

Step 3: This is where Mom usually pulls me off.
Don't worry, Noni, it was already cleaned pre-baby scrub:)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I remember talking to Mom once about how when you have a baby, your day goes in cycles, and those cycles repeat until it's bedtime. Of course all of this is incredibly exhausting (for both of us) so I thought I'd show you how our day usually goes. Here's the sleeping...
And here's the awake time.

Exhausted again....

Trouble again....

And back to sleep again. I might have to hide my hair thing and the food for the next round.

Bumper boats

Yesterday we taught Niko what you need to do to swim in the big boy pool. First you need an older, wiser caregiver with you if you want to go swimming, which is why I selected Isaac...
You lean in close, and if you can do so while showing off your delicious buns, then all the better...

Leg over the edge...

And Voila! Two critters in the pool...
Now if only it were heated and bubbling...